
Words on the Left – Every heard of the Blue Man Group? I think they had something to do with this.


TOMPAINE.com – The First Lie – Here’s an interesting little editorial from a lawyer about how the United States Constitution gives the power to declare war only to the Congress. The author tries to make the point that the resolution Congress voted for in October 2002 is unconstitutional – that was the resolution giving the… Continue reading Untitled


MoveOn.org: Democracy in Action – Here’s the TV ad that won the “Bush in 30 Seconds” contest. CBS is refusing to air it, though, saying it’s too controversial. What do you think?


Westword | westword.com | News : Calhoun – The Apes of Wrath: It takes a village to raze a Chinese restaurant, By Patricia Calhoun – King’s Land is where we go for dim sum.


Wow, it’s already the 12th and this is my first blog entry of 2004. It’s Monday night and Beth and I just got back from a 4 day weekend in Washington, D.C. We went there to visit our friend Sybil and do some sightseeing. We went to the Holocaust Memorial Museum on Saturday and the… Continue reading Untitled

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