404 Not Found catalog now available completely free

From 1996 to 2004, I led a musical group called 404 Not Found.  We self-produced and released seven CDs.  In the early days, it was just me and a collection of collaborators I met online, focused on electronic music.  Over the years, it morphed into a more traditional rock band focused on live performance of spoken word pieces set to music.  Our final show was on April 1, 2004.

Now, for the first time ever, you can download the most interesting six 404 Not Found CDs in MP3 format, for absolutely free.  Here’s what I recommend:

  1. First, go check out the 404 Not Found website.  It’s kept here in the form it existed when we split up in 2004, and were promoting our final CD, called “Paper Cuts.”  And you can go here to read about the previous albums.
  2. Next, point your browser here.  You can download each album as a ZIP file of MP3s, or you can go into each directory and select individual songs if you prefer.
  3. Finally, leave me a comment to let me know what was your favorite song or your favorite album.


Categorized as Music


  1. UPDATE: I did some website shuffling and just updated the links in this post so they work once again. Just in case anyone ever stumbles across this and wants to pick up some free original music.

  2. I downloaded “This Definitely Ends The Broadcast Day” from mp3.com back in 1998… but lost all my files a few years later and have since spent the last 10 years looking for it. It was the only song I couldn’t find of all the ones I really liked.
    I am so happy to have it back.
    Thank you very much for posting this!

    1. Thanks, Silent Knight. I’m glad you like the song and glad you were able to find it again after all these years.

  3. I made yet another update. I no longer own the domain name 404notfound.net. Someone else owns that now and is doing even dumber things with it than I was. But the 404 Not Found catalog is still all available for free online. So I updated the links in the post to point to the new places.

  4. Updated the links above again to point to the current website. They’re on toddbradley.com, not 12cities1year.com.

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