
Yahoo! News – Baghdad Car Bomb Attacks Kill at Least 34 – This is really sad, and exactly how I expected things to turn out with our invasion of Iraq. I thought back in March 2003 that this was going to just be a military quagmire for the US, and so far it’s looking like I was right. I figured the best we could hope for would be an Israel/Palestine style continued war of terror and guerrila fighting.

But the Bush administration sold this whole excursion as a quick and clean invasion. We’ll go in and decapitate the brutal regime, then turn the country over to the Iraqi people to run as a democratic state. My prediction is Iraq will be no more stable in a year than it is today, and that this is going to be our new Vietnam. Dissent among US citizens will continue and probably even grow, and eventually – after thousands more deaths – the next President will pull us out, not because we accomplished our goals but because we realize we will never be able to.

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