I’ve been meaning to write and publish another episode of my “COVID-19 and Me” blog series, to catch you up on what’s happened since June 2020. There’s so much to tell you about, and I wanted to include some photos, which I didn’t do last time. For those new to this, the first episode covered February to May, 2020. The second episode covered May to June, but wasn’t published until months later, due to an oversight. As I write this, it’s already February 2021, so as you can imagine there’s been a lot of pandemic issues over the past eight months or so.
But they all seem irrelevant now, compared to the biggest news of all, which is the death of my father, Ernest Bradley, due to COVID-19 infection. Mom and Dad both got the virus a few weeks ago. Mom recovered fairly quickly, without very severe symptoms. But Dad’s illness lingered for a couple weeks before he finally went to the hospital. The doctors did all they could, but he never recovered.
Dad passed away on Monday, February 15, 2021. The whole family is full of grief right now. I don’t know exactly what to expect in the grieving process, since I’ve fortunately never had to go through this before. But everyone tells me it’ll take a long time, and to expect many twists and turns along the way.
So, instead of telling you about life during the pandemic in Denver the past few months, I’m going to share with you some of my favorite photos of Dad.
You can read his obituary right here, in case you haven’t seen it. Take a moment to learn a little about my wonderful father.

Very nice tribute from a loving son to his dad.
So sorry for your loss Todd. If there is anything I can do let me know.
Find me some Rainforest Crunch flavor Ben and Jerry’s, perhaps?
Well, I can’t do that, but if you mixed some of this: https://www.food.com/recipe/rainforest-brittle-343036 with some Ben & Jerry’s Vanilla ice cream you might be able to get close, or even improve it…