my neighborhood Vietnamese restaurant – Anise

If you’re one of my six regular readers, you know I love good food. Well, one of the local Denver newspapers – Denverite – has been doing a special series where readers can nominate a restaurant in their neighborhood that they are especially grateful survived the COVID-19 pandemic. I nominated a Vietnamese restaurant called Anise, and they picked my nomination to do an article on!

The reporter interviewed me and the couple who own the restaurant. I’m mostly happy with the way the article came out. I went there for lunch today, and talked to Long, one of the owners, a bit. He said of all the press they’ve gotten, this article is the most shared on social media. And several new customers have come in because of the article. So that makes me happy.

Read on…

Categorized as Food


  1. A great article indeed! I wish I was there to go to lunch with you Todd. It’s been 4 years since we dines together. Miss you buddy!

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