Matzo ball soup

Tomorrow is Christmas, but today I’m making matzo ball soup for the first time ever. Here is the recipe I’m using.

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This isn’t the answer I was expecting, but I appreciate the honesty to say “don’t bother reporting bugs to us, we aren’t interested in fixing them.” From: Todd To: Grubhub Customer Care Hi, are you interested in bug reports from users? I keep running into the same bug in your app related to group orders,… Continue reading honesty

zero point breakfast sausage

I’ve thought for a while I might be able to make a satisfying breakfast sausage at home that used all “zero-point” ingredients according to Weight Watchers. And today I finally did it. Here’s my recipe. I’m eating it as I type, so forgive any typos. It’s pretty tasty. Ingredients: 1 pound ground turkey breast (“ground… Continue reading zero point breakfast sausage

Categorized as Food, Recipe

Thanksgiving 2022

I haven’t been writing on my blog very much lately, and when I do it seems like it’s just about food and drink. Well, here’s another food related post! Yesterday was Thanksgiving. Brooke and I stayed in Denver and had a quiet Thanksgiving meal at home. She did the cleaning, as usual, and I did… Continue reading Thanksgiving 2022

Categorized as Food

my espresso certificate

I think the last time I got a certification of some kind that wasn’t related to my job was when I took (and passed) a Wilderness First Aid course in Boulder about ten years ago. Well, here’s another. I just finished a week long Intro to Espresso course. Come on over if you’d like a… Continue reading my espresso certificate

Categorized as Food

flat whites of Denver

A couple months ago I had a craving for a flat white, an espresso and milk drink that is popular in Australia and New Zealand. I’ve only visited each of those countries once, but quickly latched onto the flat white as my “go to” drink there. But many cafes in the US don’t make them,… Continue reading flat whites of Denver

espresso tonic

I’ve been on a roll of sharing cocktail recipes, but here’s something non-alcoholic. It’s an espresso tonic. I made this the easy way, after abandoning a James Hoffman video halfway through. No, I’m not going to make my own tonic syrup. Ingredients: 4 ounces tonic water – Run-of-the-mill tonic water isn’t good enough for James,… Continue reading espresso tonic

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Cherry Appleseed

Time for another alcoholic drink I invented. I’m sure I can’t be the first to mix these things, but let’s just pretend it’s true. It’s summer, and that means light and fruity drinks. I bought a bunch of fresh mint at the farmers market, and decided it might go well with the Colorado Cider Company… Continue reading Cherry Appleseed

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Todd’s chile colorado

I saw a delicious photo online the other day. It was some chile colorado that a professional chef made, and it looked wonderful. So I decided to make some of my own. Here’s my recipe. It requires an InstantPot and a strainer and a blender. Ingredients 1 pound beef chuck roast stew meat 15 dried… Continue reading Todd’s chile colorado

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