Matzo ball soup

Tomorrow is Christmas, but today I’m making matzo ball soup for the first time ever. Here is the recipe I’m using.

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zero point breakfast sausage

I’ve thought for a while I might be able to make a satisfying breakfast sausage at home that used all “zero-point” ingredients according to Weight Watchers. And today I finally did it. Here’s my recipe. I’m eating it as I type, so forgive any typos. It’s pretty tasty. Ingredients: 1 pound ground turkey breast (“ground… Continue reading zero point breakfast sausage

Categorized as Food, Recipe

espresso tonic

I’ve been on a roll of sharing cocktail recipes, but here’s something non-alcoholic. It’s an espresso tonic. I made this the easy way, after abandoning a James Hoffman video halfway through. No, I’m not going to make my own tonic syrup. Ingredients: 4 ounces tonic water – Run-of-the-mill tonic water isn’t good enough for James,… Continue reading espresso tonic

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Cherry Appleseed

Time for another alcoholic drink I invented. I’m sure I can’t be the first to mix these things, but let’s just pretend it’s true. It’s summer, and that means light and fruity drinks. I bought a bunch of fresh mint at the farmers market, and decided it might go well with the Colorado Cider Company… Continue reading Cherry Appleseed

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Todd’s chile colorado

I saw a delicious photo online the other day. It was some chile colorado that a professional chef made, and it looked wonderful. So I decided to make some of my own. Here’s my recipe. It requires an InstantPot and a strainer and a blender. Ingredients 1 pound beef chuck roast stew meat 15 dried… Continue reading Todd’s chile colorado

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my first Thai basil cocktail

Well, I seem to be on a roll with the short posts about cocktails. Here’s another. Saturday I went to one of my neighborhood pho restaurants, Phonatic, for lunch as I often do on Saturdays. The waitress was feeling chatty, and we talked about a variety of things, including the fact that I bought a… Continue reading my first Thai basil cocktail

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my Campari cocktail

OK, in reality, I invent cocktails all the time. I love experimenting in the kitchen, and I love experimenting in the bar. I recently acquired 7 more different types of bitters (including Peychaud), Campari, Herbsaint, and Heering cherry liqueur, I’ve got a new world to discover. So here’s what I made last night. It was… Continue reading my Campari cocktail

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Native Chopped, Part 1

I support a charity organization in Denver called Denver Indian Health and Family Services. They provide a ton of physical and mental health services to Native American families in the Denver metro area, and have done so since the 1970s. Recently Brooke forwarded me an email from their email list that caught my eye. It… Continue reading Native Chopped, Part 1

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green chile stew

I’m doing some digital spring cleaning, going through a bunch of random old notes on my computer. And I came across part of a recipe for green chile stew that I made up to reflect what I was making. This was meant to emulate the green chile stew I had at the View Restaurant at… Continue reading green chile stew

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