my first Thai basil cocktail

Well, I seem to be on a roll with the short posts about cocktails. Here’s another. Saturday I went to one of my neighborhood pho restaurants, Phonatic, for lunch as I often do on Saturdays. The waitress was feeling chatty, and we talked about a variety of things, including the fact that I bought a Thai basil plant and have set it up with some LED grow lights in my kitchen.

I told her I wanted to harvest some of the leaves and use them in a cocktail. We riffed on the topic for a few minutes and jointly came up with this recipe:

Several fresh Thai basil leaves
4 fresh raspberries
2 oz bourbon
club soda
1/2 oz simple syrup (I used sugar free simple syrup I made)

Put the basil and raspberries and ice and bourbon in a cocktail mixer and muddle it like the devil (as Bob Ross might say). Pour that into a cocktail glass, top it off with club soda, add simple syrup, and stir briefly.

That’s it. Yet again, there’s probably some official cocktail that more or less follows this same recipe, and yet again I have no idea what it is. But it was tasty, which is all that really matters. I made one for myself and one for Brooke.

Categorized as Recipe

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