190th birthday

The company I work for is celebrating its 190th birthday this year. I don’t think I’ve ever worked for a company that existed more than 50 years. So 190 is weird to me. Think about what was going on in 1834, the year Wärtsilä was founded. The Spanish Inquisition ended. The city of Toronto was… Continue reading 190th birthday

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recruiter trash

Here’s an example of the kind of messages I get these days from technical recruiters: Urgent requirement for Factory Automation Engineer at Waterloo, Iowa From: Mohit Kumar Factory Automation Engineer at Waterloo, Iowa Variable shifts (Off shift) – Onsite W2 Contract 1 Year to start with possible extensionCall @ 734 656-8818 Or Resume @ robert@Infotreeglobal.com There… Continue reading recruiter trash

my rotator cuff surgery

A week ago I had shoulder surgery. I’ve been having issues with my left shoulder for over a year. The Story of my Long Road I don’t know what initially caused the problem. I don’t remember any accident or anything, but I remember I started having shoulder pain after workouts, starting in either late 2021… Continue reading my rotator cuff surgery

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shibboleths of Colorado

I want to talk about shibboleths of Colorado. First, what’s a shibboleth? I had never heard the word until I was in my 30s, and I bet a lot of you haven’t heard it, either. According to Dictionary.com, the word means “a peculiarity of pronunciation, behavior, mode of dress, etc., that distinguishes a particular class… Continue reading shibboleths of Colorado

what is science fiction?

Here’s the definition I like best. “Science fiction can be defined as that branch of literature which deals with the reaction of human beings to changes in science and technology.” — Isaac Asimov, Asimov on Science Fiction, pg. 62

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precognition and synchronicity

I realized earlier this week that all the science fiction stories I’ve been consuming lately have a common theme – a character who can see the future and present at the same time. They’re all about someone who surpasses thinking just in the present and develops the ability to treat time as a fluid experience.… Continue reading precognition and synchronicity

COVID-19 and Me, Part 2

July 4, 2020 Hi, friends. I wrote a long blog article a few weeks back about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected me and my neighborhood. If you haven’t already read it, I invite you to go check it out. It’s now late June, and things feel a little more normal now. But, as before,… Continue reading COVID-19 and Me, Part 2

something strange about this virus

Now that we’re a few months into dealing with the pandemic most call COVID-19, something just occurred to me. Doctors have been telling us from the beginning that the virus is transmitted on tiny droplets of water in people’s breath, right? Basically, someone who’s infected (whether they know it or not) coughs or sneezes, and… Continue reading something strange about this virus

Categorized as Drivel, Food