shibboleths of Colorado

I want to talk about shibboleths of Colorado. First, what’s a shibboleth? I had never heard the word until I was in my 30s, and I bet a lot of you haven’t heard it, either. According to, the word means “a peculiarity of pronunciation, behavior, mode of dress, etc., that distinguishes a particular class… Continue reading shibboleths of Colorado

Texas November 2021

This is my second attempt at this blog article. The first one got corrupted somehow and wouldn’t display correctly. Hopefully this one works better. Brooke and I got home last night from being in Texas for the past week. It was a nice vacation. We saw lots of my family, ate lots of good food,… Continue reading Texas November 2021

Categorized as Food, Travel

NM21 Road Trip – Day 8

September 22, 2021 All good things must come to an end. Today was the last day of vacation, and not very interesting or exciting at all. But at least it started nice, with breakfast in bed. It wasn’t fancy, but my Airbnb reservation included a simple breakfast. I chose the breakfast croissant sandwich with fruit.… Continue reading NM21 Road Trip – Day 8

Categorized as Travel

NM21 Road Trip – Day 7

September 21, 2021 No hiking, no rock art. Today I packed up my stuff from the casita where I was staying near Santa Fe and headed north. I did get to spend a couple hours relaxing before hitting the road, and did some reading. My first planned stop was Orlando’s New Mexican Cafe in Taos.… Continue reading NM21 Road Trip – Day 7

Categorized as Travel

NM21 Road Trip – Day 6

September 20, 2021 Part 1, Mesa Prieta After a restful Sunday, today I hit it hard. I was up and dressed and packed for the day and out the door by 7:40. Destination: Mesa Prieta. That’s the home of the Wells Petroglyph Preserve (now owned by the Archeological Conservancy) and the Mesa Prieta Petroglyph Project,… Continue reading NM21 Road Trip – Day 6

Categorized as Travel

NM21 Road Trip – Day 5

September 19, 2021 Today is was time to take a vacation from my vacation. The first four days of my road trip, I got going early because I had something planned for morning – hiking before the heat of the day, early admission to the museum, or a day full of driving. But Sunday I… Continue reading NM21 Road Trip – Day 5

Categorized as Travel

NM21 Road Trip – Day 4

September 18, 2021 Hang on, folks, because this one’s gonna be a long one… Part 1, Indian Pueblo Cultural Center Saturday was another day that started kinda early. I had purchased a timed admission ticket in advance to get into the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center at 9am, and the adjacent restaurant opened for breakfast at… Continue reading NM21 Road Trip – Day 4

Categorized as Travel

NM21 Road Trip – Day 3

September 17, 2021 Part 1, Petroglyphs At last, I did some more serious hiking today, and got my fill of rock art. Once I got up, I got my things together, and headed out of the hotel to the car, stopping in the lobby just long enough to get a grab-and-go breakfast of a travel… Continue reading NM21 Road Trip – Day 3

Categorized as Travel

NM21 Road Trip – Day 2

September 16, 2021 It always takes me a few days to get into vacation mode, where I can really just be lazy and relax and enjoy myself. At first, I always feel like I should be doing something at all times, and today I’m still feeling like that. But I did get to do some… Continue reading NM21 Road Trip – Day 2

Categorized as Travel

NM21 Road Trip – Day 1

September 15, 2021 It’s Wednesday, and I’m on vacation. A much-needed vacation. A long-overdue vacation. In fact, I’ve been planning this vacation for two years. You see, the Summer 2019 issue of American Archaeology magazine had an article called “Touring Ancient Art Museums” about rock art sites in New Mexico and Arizona. I had been… Continue reading NM21 Road Trip – Day 1

Categorized as Travel