COVID-19 and Me, Part 2

July 4, 2020 Hi, friends. I wrote a long blog article a few weeks back about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected me and my neighborhood. If you haven’t already read it, I invite you to go check it out. It’s now late June, and things feel a little more normal now. But, as before,… Continue reading COVID-19 and Me, Part 2


I think I’ve worked for about a dozen companies in my lifetime, and my new employer is the first one of those that gave me Election Day off work as a paid holiday.

I will vote by mail

I’m gonna do as President Trump does, not as he says***. I hope you’re able to join me and vote by mail. *** Years from now, that reference probably won’t make any sense. If you’re in the future, here’s the short explanation. For some reason, among the other really dumb things Trump has said lately… Continue reading I will vote by mail

Categorized as Politics

goodbye and good riddance, Facebook, Inc.

It’s done. I just deleted my Facebook and Instagram accounts. It was fun for a few years, but the relationship turned sour after one of us started lying to the other, then pretended to take steps to improve but just kept lying. Separation took a few months of planning and preparation. Here’s the blog post… Continue reading goodbye and good riddance, Facebook, Inc.

mile high composting and voting

Since this past spring, I’ve been working to arrange composting at my condominium complex. And this week it starts to pay off. Denver Compost Collective is an organization that collects food waste from apartment dwellers and takes it to their large scale composting facility. Then they give the resulting “black gold” to a local urban… Continue reading mile high composting and voting

the president is meant to have less power

Here’s a good article that explains in relatively simple terms how the founding fathers really viewed executive power given by the US Constitution to the President of the United States. There are no food pictures so i know this will only appeal to people interested in weird quirks of history.

Categorized as Politics

I voted. Again.

Today I voted again. Denver had our 2019 city election on May 7, 2019, but several races were so close that we had to do a runoff. So we have another election scheduled for June 4. But we all vote by mail here, so you can send in your ballot whenever you want. The mayor’s… Continue reading I voted. Again.

Categorized as Politics

Colorado Department of Transportation cyberattack, and Doritos

CDOT, the Colorado Department of Transportation, was the victim of a cyberattack that cost millions of dollars last year. They refused to pay the ransom requested, and instead had their technical people working “20 hour shifts” to try to dig them out of the mess, which apparently took about a month. First off, anyone who’s… Continue reading Colorado Department of Transportation cyberattack, and Doritos

my plan for breaking up with Facebook and Instagram

(originally posted 5/14/2019, updated 6/20/2019, updated again 12/29/2019) I normally don’t make New Years resolutions. I figure if a change is worth making, why not start right now, instead of waiting until some arbitrary date on the calendar? Besides, most New Years resolutions are broken anyhow, and if I’m going to make a change in… Continue reading my plan for breaking up with Facebook and Instagram

A true story of three piglets, a rooster, and their love of cheese

a short story by Todd Bradley Once upon a time, there were two piglets playing in the tall grass under a tree on a hill not far from Farmer Joe’s house. One piglet was named Verne, and the other was Flick. “Look, Flick,” said Verne, pointing to the sky. “The full moon is coming up.”… Continue reading A true story of three piglets, a rooster, and their love of cheese