
Well, I figured it out. Why there’s no recent news of “Elisabeth Smart”. That’s because her name is “Elizabeth Smart”. It was spelled with an “s” on TV, I believe, so that’s what I searched for. But looking with a “z” shows a lot more news stories, some recent.


I was relaxing this afternoon in front of the TV and a 30 minute program came on about Elisabeth Smart, the Utah girl who {“was kidnapped” “ran away”} back in 2002 and was found in March of this year. That made me think to myself, “I wonder if there’s been any news about her since… Continue reading Untitled


Yahoo! News – Majority in US believes Bush ‘stretched truth’ about Iraq: poll – Hmm, now according to this survey, “Only 32 percent [of Americans polled by the University of Maryland] said they thought the government was being ‘fully truthful’ about the Iraqi arsenal.” So maybe I’m not in the minority after all!


Yahoo! News – U.S. Confidence in Iraq War Drops – Poll: “37 percent said the Bush administration deliberately misled the American public about whether Iraq has serious weapons of mass destruction” – I guess I’m still in the minority on this one, though the minority has grown from 31% to 37% since early June.

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