
Yahoo! News – Tearful U.S. Taliban Lindh Jailed for 20 YearsThis fellow is going to have a fun time in American prison, I’m sure. The other inmates will just really love him.

Holy Smokes!

Wow, $28 billion dollars! How is this woman going to spend it all in her remaining few months/years?


I spent way too much time yesterday delving into blogs. And the result? A whole new SUV Backlash site. Check it out and compare it to the old site. Things I still need to do: – Register suvbacklash.org– Shop for someone to host the site under its own domain name – I’m pretty sure domain… Continue reading Untitled

I will kick your ass

This has got to be the best eBay auction I’ve ever seen: eBay item 1641798199 (Ends Sep-30-01 14:06:38 PDT ) – I will kick your ass.


Well, I seem to have this working now. I replaced my old journal, which I was maintaining in Microsoft FrontPage like the rest of my website. Now I’m using Blogger. If all goes well, I’ll probably upgrade to the Pro version. I’m also using Blogger to build a new suvbacklash.com, just to see how that… Continue reading Welcome