oh, did I mention 12 Cities, 1 Year is now officially underway?

It’s sort of anti-climactic now, but as you probably gathered from Beth’s last post, we are now in Missoula.  As I write this, it’s Saturday the 16th.  But we actually arrived nearly a week ago, on the afternoon of Sunday the 10th.  There was a lot of unpacking to do, and setting into a new house, and catching up on stuff we ignored for the past three or four weeks.

The main points of the trip from Kansas City to Missoula were:

  • traveling from Missouri to Kansas to Missouri to Iowa to Nebraska all in one day, as we veered around areas of the highway that were flooded out due to the high waters of the Missouri River
  • visiting Bad Lands National Monument, Mount Rushmore, and Crazy Horse Monument in South Dakota
  • visiting Devil’s Tower in Wyoming
  • camping a couple nights in Yellowstone, with an appropriate amount of hiking (and we encountered a grizzly bear on the trail)
  • finally driving to Missoula

I’m not gonna go into detail about all those.  If you read our Facebook pages, you already know the highlights.  But I did upload hundreds of photos from each of those milestones.  They’re now on Flickr.

In fact, I created a Flickr collection to house all my photos from the 12 Cities, 1 Year project, including photos of us preparing to leave Broomfield, and photos of things that happen to us between cities.  Go check it out now.  The web page is right here.


  1. Whenever I visited this 12cities1year, I was always executing very complexible test cases and was in demand of supervisor,all of us missed Todd.
    While, reading those nice articles, each word stands for a splendid experience. The life Todd and Beth enjoying is so different from me, it is enviable life~~~

    Best Wishes for your great project!

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