
TGIF! I got my Blogger hooded sweatshirt (what they call a “hoodie” nowadays) this week. That’s because I paid for the Blogger Pro service before they started giving it away for free.

I’m in the process of moving my band’s website, http://www.404notfound.net, to a new web host. There wasn’t anything wrong with the old one, really, but I decided to move it to Hostbaby. They have some nice add-on features especially suited for band websites. Plus, if you’re a Hostbaby customer you can sell CDs through CDBaby.com for free.

Anyhow, while sorting through nameserver issues today, I accidentally did a web search for my website’s name. I know there’s a name for this, but I can’t remember. But the funny thing is looking at the different kind of websites which feature my site as a link. Here are a couple you may find amusing:

http://www.facom.ufba.br/ciberpesquisa/404nOtF0und/404links.htm – I have no idea what they’re saying about it. It looks like the site is in Brazil.

http://fnr.cuodan.net/artists.html – Freenode radio artists. Hmm, I guess this is an online radio station or something that plays our stuff. Presumably, I gave them permission to do that at some point.

http://www.darling.se/nr35/internet-datorer/domannamn.html – Here’s one of the more bizarre ones. What they hell are they saying? Where are .se sites? Sweden?

http://www.just-lotions-links.com/feminine_itching.htm – Holy smokes! I can only assume we got on this site for having a song called “Jesus Heals My Feminine Itching”! Clearly they didn’t review these links before they built this page.

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