
I highly recommend that you make a point to go see Melanie Hersch, or at the very least go buy her CD. Here’s the whole story:

Beth and I checked out Acoustic Brunch at the Cannon Mine coffee shop in Lafayette today. I’d heard about it for a while, but never went. The Cannon Mine, it turns out, is the original home of the Cannon Mine Reading Series. It’s where I met Scott Siders, which eventually led to a whole new era of my group 404 Not Found. Then, years later, the group played at the Cannon Mine Reading Series, but after it moved to the Lafayette Public Library.

Since then, they’ve remodelled the coffee shop and are really emphasizing having live music there. My group is “headlining” there January 31, 2004. Anyhow, I read this week’s announcement of the 4 acts playing at the Acoustic Brunch. One was a singer/songwriter named Melanie Hersch, whom I’d never heard of before. But I noticed that she sells her CDs online at CD Baby, same as 404 Not Found! So I checked out her website and listened to a couple clips from her songs. They were awesome! So I made a point to go see her at the Cannon Mine.

Melanie is an ass-kicking songwriter with a great, distinctive voice and pretty good guitar chops. Of course I bought a CD and I had to get on her mailing list so I can go see her again sometime. You should do the same.

In other news, I’ve been working on revamping the 404 Not Found website to focus almost exclusively on the new CD, “Paper Cuts”.

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