
Yahoo! News – Laura Bush Says Gay Marriage ‘Shocking’ – Shocking, just utterly shocking. 😉

I liked Laura Bush’s quote, “I think people ought to have that opportunity to debate it, to think about it, to see what the American people really want to do about the issue.” It’s almost as if she thinks America is some kind of direct democracy. It’s not, Laura! The “American people” can debate this all they damn well please, but it’s our elected officials who make the laws. And besides, it looks like the American people have decided what they want to do about the issue. They want to get married, and they’re doing it in droves. At least in San Francisco.

Plus, she makes it sound like this is some new issue that has never been debated, discussed, and thought about in the past. It’s like she woke up last week and suddenly realized there are homosexuals living among us and some of them want to marry each other. Maybe Mrs. Bush hasn’t been aware of it, but there’s been a gay rights movement going on for over 50 years in America! Wake up, Laura!

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