the new PC shall be Barracuda

Well, I took the day off work and spent about half the day building my new PC. In the end, I decided to take the full ATX size motherboard that I originally bought by accident, and the non-ECC RAM I bought when I learned the ECC wouldn’t work, and base my new PC off that. I bought a great new power supply and case this morning from PC Club, along with another 512 MB DIMM, and spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon assembling it all. And it’s now all together and working!

I’m using some software called Move Me to transfer all my files from my old PC to my new one. Why not just copy them over the network? Well, that only transfers data files, but Move Me (supposedly) will move entire applications over. If all goes well, that’ll save me literally hours of laborious work re-installing every one of the dozens of programs I have. It’s been moving things for about 5 hours now (around 55 GB of files) and should be done soon. I’ll let you know how it goes. I’m hoping this $39 investment works. If so, it’ll save me somewhere around 10 to 15 hours of re-installing stuff, I’m guessing. Assuming it works, that’s a good deal.

I’m calling the new PC by the name Barracuda, in keeping with our aquatic theme. My laptop is Ahi, my old desktop is Sponge, and Beth’s desktop is Seahorse (I think).

It’s been nice having a day off, too. I got many other chores done today that had piled up, and made some progress reading the scuba diving book. I’ve got to finish the current section, then we can watch another chapter of the DVD and read another chapter of the book. All before our class, which is in about 3 weeks, if I remember right.

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