Our Prom Photos

It’s Sunday! And I’m catching up on stuff from the week, and getting over all the partying we did Friday and Saturday night. Please allow me to tell you some about it!

Friday night, Beth and I attended the GRU Prom 2005. GRU is Grass Roots Ultimate, which is the organization that puts on the local Ultimate Frisbee leagues, tournaments, and parties. They decided to throw a party for no real reason at all other than to kick off the 2005 Ultimate season. It was at the Elks’ Lodge in Boulder and the theme was “80’s Prom Night”. So they decorated the place as if it were high school prom from the mid- to late-1980’s. Of course, corresponding attire was mandatory! I didn’t feel like renting a tuxedo, so I got an $8 suit at the thrift store and wore my afro wig. I also shaved all my beard off. Who ever heard of going to prom with a graying beard? Finally, I went to the floral department at King Soopers and got some flowers, out of which I made a beautiful corsage for Beth and a passable boutonniere for myself. Anyhow, here are a couple photos of us standing in front of some specially decorated backdrop they made:

And here’s a picture of Beth driving us home. You can see the corsage I made a little better here. Beth loved it – the corsage and the whole event. She didn’t attend prom in high school, so this was her very first.

We could’ve stayed longer, but left by about 11:15 because I had to get up early Saturday morning to drive to way south Denver (Lone Tree, to be precise) in order to take the exam for my CSTE certification. It was a 4.5 hour test, and by the time I got back home (after stopping for a lunch at Hamburger Stand) it was around 3 PM.

Saturday night, we went to Redfish (the one in Boulder) for dinner and drinks. Then we went to the Methodist church to see a concert. It was the Denver Gay Mens’ Chorus and the Women’s Chorus of Boulder. The place was packed! We should’ve arrived earlier I guess, because the only seats left were at the very back of the balcony. Sound quality wasn’t too great way up there, but what was worse was that it was about 100 degrees, due to all the heat from a thousand audience members rising up into the balcony (and no ventilation). Then we met up with some of Beth’s friends (one of whom performed) and went to the Cheesecake Factory for more drinks and dessert. I think Beth was very happy to be out late two nights in a row.

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