Cellphone Headset Use Isn’t Safer for Drivers – Yahoo! News

Cellphone Headset Use Isn’t Safer for Drivers – Yahoo! News: “A study of cellphone use by motorists suggests that they aren’t any better off using a headset in the car than holding the phone to their ear: They’re still four times more likely to end up in a crash and injured than if they weren’t using the phone.”

This study confirms what I’ve suspected for years. I’ve got friends and coworkers who insist that using a headset on their cell phone while driving is just as safe as not talking on the phone at all, but my “gut feeling” has always been otherwise. What I am surprised by, though, is that the risk is 4 times as high when talking on the phone. I suspected it would prove to be 50% higher or maybe 100% higher, but not 300% higher!

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