
What follows is an excerpt of the FAQ of boulder.general, back from the days when I claimed to be the administrator of the newsgroup. Since then, it’s been taken over by trolls and is nearly a total waste of time. My how the internet has changed in the past 15 years.

Subject: 4.1   Who is the Administrator of boulder.general?

Occasionally, the question will be asked who is the administrator of
boulder.general.  Todd (the Supreme Ruler of the Galaxy) Bradley has
stated previously that he (with support from Alek) is the administrator
of boulder.general.  There was once a challenge to that authority by
two otherwise well meaning young people, named Chris and Jill.  To
resolve the dispute, a 2-on-2 DOOM Deathmatch was played on 2/5/95 to
decide who should really be the Administrator.

Play was on Level 7 of DOOM2 (version 1.8) on four Pentium-90's,
three of which had sound (Alek went w/o).  Kudos to Chris for
allowing us the use of his facility.  It should perhaps also be
mentioned that Jill was a relative newcomer to DOOM, but she was a
real trooper and put up a good fight - excellent throat clutching!  ;-)

Final team score was 79-22, with the scores distributed as follows:
56 - Alek (i.e. Alek had 56 kills (only one fratercide against Todd))
23 - Todd
16 - Chris
6 - Jill
So status quo remains unchanged - Todd *is* the administrator of
boulder.general and any questions should be addressed to him in
this forum.
Categorized as Drivel

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