hot dogs

I took Beth to Steve’s Snappin’ Dogs last Sunday. She wasn’t very excited at all about going to a hot dog stand for supper, but I asked her to trust me. I told her these were much better hot dogs than what she associates with the term “hot dog”. She ordered the California Dog and I had the Chicago Dog. We also split a large order of fries and we both had a large limeade. And she loved it! On our way out, she told me, “That was the best hot dog I’ve had in my life!” She’s not a hot dog connoisseur like I am, but she’s been around longer. So I figure that’s high praise!

As we were eating at Steve’s we were looking at the latest issue of 5280 magazine. One of the articles was “101 Dining Experiences Every Denverite Must Have.” We checked off the ones we’d already had, as many of the best restaurants around are on that list. Pulcinella, check. Rioja, check. The Fort, check. But we got down to the bottom of the list, and guess who made it onto the list with these renowned gourmet establishments? That’s right, Steve’s Snappin’ Dogs. Check!

Categorized as Food

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