what I did on Earth Day

Warning: Super boring post coming up.

In case you’re wondering what I did for Earth Day…

I did some laundry, cleaned house, talked to the editor and animator of Exploding Corpse Production #4 about what I’m looking for in the way of animation, and then rode my bike to the mall to meet a friend to talk about doing a sci-fi action short film which would be Exploding Corpse Production #5 or #6 or maybe #7.

Then I rode my bike back home and caulked the cracks in the driveway so the water won’t seep down in there to cause the concrete slabs to shift.  I fired up the Weber and grilled some beer brats and boneless pork chops, and installed a water heater blanket.  And I played a video game some and then watched “Who Killed the Electric Car?” on DVD.  Not in that order.

Memo to self for future reference:

It takes roughly 18 minutes to bicycle from home to Wahoo’s Fish Tacos at a moderate pace.  It takes roughly 19.5 minutes to make the return trip, though 30 to 60 seconds of that was from not taking the right turn into the bike path.

If they’d ever build a pedestrial/bicycle bridge over the train tracks here (can you see the path people have worn through the vacant lot to get to the bike path and Highway 36 underpass?), as the city has said for years they plan to do, then the ride would speed up by at least a couple minutes.  That would be cool, and would get me to fish tacos faster.

Categorized as Drivel

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