I’m getting a Drobo

At first I thought they were weird.  But now that I’ve lived with a pile of external drives for a while, and now that the Drobo supports FW800, I decided to get one.  It should arrive next week, and then I’ll consolidate all my external drives down to this thing and never have to worry about backups again.

Data Robotics, Inc.

I hope it’s as good as they say.  I’ll hopefully post an update in a couple months with how I’m liking it.

Categorized as Drivel


  1. My Drobo still hasn’t arrived. Their website said it was backordered 5 days, which meant it should have been shipping over a week ago and gotten here in the middle of this week. But it’s now Saturday, and no sign of the Drobo.

    I emailed the company to find out what’s up, and they wrote back saying that there has been very high demand for this product and that my order would be made a high priority. It was supposed to ship yesterday. But according to their website, it’s still on backorder.

    Order date: 07/11/2008


    Fortunately, they haven’t charged my credit card yet for the purchase.

  2. How long did it take for you to eventually get your Drobo? Mine has been backordered for two weeks and I’m getting a little antsy.

    1. I don’t honestly remember how long it took. But once I got it I was pretty happy with it. So it’ll be worth the wait, I think. Ironically, I’m not using mine at the moment because I’m on the road traveling for a year, and it’s not very portable.

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