
It’s Saturday morning. A lot has happened this week!

I worked Monday through Wednesday, but took Thursday and Friday off. Why? Because I went in for eye surgery Thursday at 12:30. I got Lasik done on both eyes at Insight Lasik in Lafayette, then took off the rest of the week to recover. It wasn’t really too painful – not as bad as the time I got needles stuck in my eardrums. But it was a fairly strange and distubing experience. I kept my eyes closed much of Thursday afternoon and then slept through the night.

Friday I went in for my followup exam and they said things look good. My vision isn’t perfect yet, but I have a feeling it’ll be quite good when I’m all healed up. Yesterday and today, the big problem seems to be focus. When my eyes focus on something, it’s very clear. But the focus wavers, as if the eyes can’t quite lock onto what they’re seeing. I’ve also discovered I’m a bad shot with the eye drops. I have three different types of drops I put in my eyes at different intervals, and yesterday I was hitting my upper or lower eyelid about half the time, instead of getting the drops in the eye. I’ve found it’s easier if I lie flat on my back and my aim has improved this morning. But focus is still wavy.

Last night, Beth and I went to Benihana. It was their grand opening, so we got reservations for 5 PM. The place was packed! And you could tell many of the people who worked there were new to this sort of thing. We had attentive service, with several people wandering around refilling glasses and that sort of thing. But the waiter didn’t really know that much about sake or sushi. For instance, when we ordered sake, they brought us pearl sake (served cold). We’d never had it before, so we asked why it had the milky appearance. The waiter told us, “Because this type is made from rice.” Anyhow, the food was good. Our chef was a guy named Jesus, who goes by the nickname “Caballero”. He said jokingly he was from very south Tokyo. He said he’d worked at another Benihana for a while, then went back to Mexico, then just recently came back to work here. He was about twice as fast as the chef at the table next to ours. My birthday party will be at Benihana, and I’m sure things won’t be quite so crazy by then.

Today, being Saturday, I’m doing laundry and paying bills. I went to bed fairly early last night (I’ve gotten tired early the past two nights, probably due to the eye surgery) so I woke up around 5 AM this morning. So even though it’s only 8:21 as I’m writing this, I’ve already paid all the week’s bills, done a load of laundry, had flaxseed waffles for breakfast, and went through the pile of stuff in the “inbox” on my desk, plus made a list of all the shopping and errands I need to do today.

Beth’s going to a class this afternoon and then going out with a friend tonight, so I have the place to myself if I want. I’ll probably run errands this morning, watch the other half of “Diamonds Are Forever” on DVD, play some TFC this afternoon, and then work a bit on the next 404 Not Found CD.

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