
I get lots of porn spam in my email inbox. OK, to be fair, I get lots of spam of all kinds in my email inbox. So I bought a copy of Spam Eater Pro, which filters out and deletes a bunch of it for me, but it doesn’t get it all. For some reason I woke up early this morning and decided to go have a bowl of cereal and read my email from last night. Past experience has shown that usually all the email that comes in overnight is either mailing list digests or ads (spam).

So anyhow, I got a porn spam message that was so funny I had to share it. But only UNIX people will find it funny, so if you’re not at least a moderately advanced user of UNIX, you won’t understand. Here’s the header part:

From: “Caroline Lynn”
Subject: Victims forced to fsck by gun in a c.nt

Forced to fsck! I know how bad that can be, because it’s happened to me plenty! In this case, the spammers intentionally misspelled a couple of words in the message in order to not trigger people’s spam filters. But “fsck” is a funny choice of words, because it’s the UNIX command you run when your hard drive crashes on a UNIX system. It stands for “file system check”.

In other news, I bought a notebook PC this week and am going to start a project to build a “Notebook DAW”. You can read all about that on its own page.

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