BBC NEWS | Americas | Rumsfeld replaced after poll loss

BBC NEWS | Americas | Rumsfeld replaced after poll loss I’m not sad to see Mr. Rumsfeld become unemployed, of course.  But Bush’s idiocy never ceases to amaze me.  Why is Rumsfeld resigning after the elections?  If Bush had half a brain and any loyalty to the Republican Party, he would’ve replaced Cheney and Rumsfeld… Continue reading BBC NEWS | Americas | Rumsfeld replaced after poll loss

Categorized as Drivel

Treehugger: TreeHugger 100-Mile Thanksgiving Challenge

Treehugger: TreeHugger 100-Mile Thanksgiving Challenge Beth and I are strongly considering taking the 100-Mile Thanksgiving Challenge. But it’s a bit difficult. (I guess if it was easy, it wouldn’t be a challenge, now would it?) So far we’ve found a decent variety of ingredients all grown or raised locally – beef and pork, mushrooms, cheese,… Continue reading Treehugger: TreeHugger 100-Mile Thanksgiving Challenge

Categorized as Drivel, Food

what a day for geeks

In the same day, Apple has (finally) released the new Intel Core 2 Duo based MacBook Pro notebooks and the Mozilla project is supposedly releasing Firefox 2.0. Yikes! If I only had three grand sitting around in a bank somewhere waiting around to be spent on something… Oh wait, I do!

Categorized as Drivel

BBC NEWS | Americas | Jumping stingray stabs US boater

BBC NEWS | Americas | Jumping stingray stabs US boater This is getting creepy!  First, Steve Irwin (the crocodile hunter) is killed by a stingray, now this one jumps out of the water and into a boat, and stabs an 81-year-old guy in the chest!

Categorized as Drivel

still hating Steve Jobs

I wrote a while ago about hating Steve Jobs because Apple’s iPod software update killed my iPod. Well, in the end, I took it to the local Apple store, where they ordered a replacement under the warranty program. A few days later, I got a phone call that my new (replacement) iPod had arrived. So… Continue reading still hating Steve Jobs

Categorized as Drivel

comment spam

Yesterday, I got 10 spam blog comments and 0 real blog comments. I was tempted to just turn commenting off completely on my (undervisited) site. But Beth convinced me to leave it on. So I upgraded to the latest version of WordPress and installed the Akismet plug-in, which is supposed to dramatically help cut down… Continue reading comment spam

Categorized as Drivel
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