needed feature for iPod: More Like This

I don’t know why Apple didn’t put this feature in the iPod, but I regularly find myself wanting it. I often listen to my iPod in shuffle mode, which plays a quasi-random selection of the music currently on the iPod. Occasionally, I hear a song I haven’t heard in a while, and I want to hear more music by the same artist. So, I wish there was a button I could push called “More Like This.”

The “More Like This” feature would take the currently playing song and put one more song by the same artist (or from the same CD or in the same genre as the current one) into the play queue right after it. If you want to hear 3 more songs “like this one” you’d hit the More Like This button 3 times.

I wonder if anyone else ever wants a feature like this. If you do, leave me a comment!

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