
It’s Saturday morning. A lot has happened this week! I worked Monday through Wednesday, but took Thursday and Friday off. Why? Because I went in for eye surgery Thursday at 12:30. I got Lasik done on both eyes at Insight Lasik in Lafayette, then took off the rest of the week to recover. It wasn’t… Continue reading Untitled


I’m up early. My back was sore so I got out of bed and have been updating my website. In particular, I added some stuff to the page about my notebook DAW (Ahi). Have no idea what I’m talking about? Well, see here. Now I’m gonna go install a bunch of software on Ahi.


It’s 1:45 AM Sunday morning. Beth and I just got back from Denver, where 404 Not Found played a show at the Linoleeum art gallery. Wow, talk about a fiasco. The original schedule we were told was for the first band to play a 30 minute set starting around 9:30. Then we’d play a 30… Continue reading Untitled


I get lots of porn spam in my email inbox. OK, to be fair, I get lots of spam of all kinds in my email inbox. So I bought a copy of Spam Eater Pro, which filters out and deletes a bunch of it for me, but it doesn’t get it all. For some reason… Continue reading Untitled

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