Slash Fanfiction

You have not truly lived until you’ve read and enjoyed a short story about Cheney and Rumsfeld as gay lovers:

I’m a realist

I was chatting with my little brother online this evening, and telling him a little about cohousing. I wrote something about neo-cons not being likely fans of cohousing. He wrote back, “I wonder if you’re a neo-con if you have to google the term when your brother mentions it.” So he looked up the definition… Continue reading I’m a realist

Categorized as Politics

Batting .500

Tuesday was Election Day, of course. Here in Broomfield, we had 8 questions on the ballot. Out of those, 4 of the ones I voted for actually won! Given how seldom my candidates historically win, 4 out of 8 is pretty outstanding! Of course, 2 of those races were ones for school board where the… Continue reading Batting .500

Categorized as Politics
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