A true story of three piglets, a rooster, and their love of cheese

a short story by Todd Bradley Once upon a time, there were two piglets playing in the tall grass under a tree on a hill not far from Farmer Joe’s house. One piglet was named Verne, and the other was Flick. “Look, Flick,” said Verne, pointing to the sky. “The full moon is coming up.”… Continue reading A true story of three piglets, a rooster, and their love of cheese

the last four months

It’s hard to believe, but it’s been four whole months since I wrote anything here. I guess you could say I’ve been busy! Let’s see, can I give a reasonably quick recap? I’m pretty well settled back into Capitol Hill now. My apartment, while still needing lots of work, is liveable and in nice enough… Continue reading the last four months

Categorized as Drivel

back to Capitol Hill

It’s been seven and a half weeks since I got back from my big journey. There have been changes in so many ways. I wrote about the first few days in an earlier article here. After a week or so, I went back to work full time. That was a little hard to get used… Continue reading back to Capitol Hill

Categorized as Drivel

Secrets of the Serpent Moon — my DCC RPG adventure

I’ve been running a regular Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG game for the past several months. But a different group where I’m a player recently asked if I would occasionally be a “judge” for that game, too. I was flattered and said yes. DCC has a strong zine community, and one of those zines is called… Continue reading Secrets of the Serpent Moon — my DCC RPG adventure

Categorized as Drivel

have you heard the phrase “the body is open”?

I thought this phrase was a common idiom, but judging from the Google results, now I’m not so sure. I had a boss years ago who taught it to me. The phrase comes from surgery, as I heard the story. If you’re a surgeon and you’ve already gone to the trouble of sedating a patient,… Continue reading have you heard the phrase “the body is open”?

Categorized as Drivel

back in the hood

Beth and I moved from south Boulder to central Denver about a month ago, but I think it didn’t fully sink in until just today how wonderful it is being in a real neighborhood of a real city. I’d seen some small signs over the past month, like the fact that I calculated there are… Continue reading back in the hood

Categorized as Drivel

goodbye location independent lifestyle, at least for now

For the past 18 months, we’ve tried to live what’s called a “location independent lifestyle”. But it hasn’t worked out so well. We’ve spent a bunch more money than we’ve earned, our two new businesses – videography and photography – still aren’t close to paying the bills, and our medical costs are likely to go way up in 2013. So we decided to settle down somewhere, and that Todd is going to take a regular full time job in the software business again.

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