Beth and I finally went to see the latest Bond movie, “Quantum of Solace.” I enjoyed it quite a bit more than I expected! Everyone I talked to said it wasn’t as good as “Casino Royale” but I’m not sure I agree. And if you’re having trouble parsing that sentence, it means I think it… Continue reading Quantum of Solace
Author: todd
Dear God, please stop the wind.
One of the disadvantages of living at the top of the hill overlooking open space is that we get a lot of wind in the winter. Last night and this morning, it’s unusually bad. According to the web, the highest gust last night was 82. I think it’s blowing pretty steadily at about 50 to… Continue reading Dear God, please stop the wind.
my Christmas break
Looking back at my blog posts the past couple months I can see they’ve probably been even more boring than usual. Back in November, there was a bunch of political/election stuff, and then there’s been a bunch of stuff related to my upcoming ear surgery. But not much else. So let me try to fix… Continue reading my Christmas break
my big vacation, if you want to call it that
Yesterday was my last day of work for seven weeks or so. You see, I’m taking the next two weeks off as a combination of vacation and the annual Polycom office closure between Christmas and New Years. And then the first week of 2010, I’m flying to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. There, on Tuesday the 6th… Continue reading my big vacation, if you want to call it that
Tullio phenomenon and Empty sella
I learned two new things about myself today. First, I discovered this morning that I have Tullio phenomenon. I didn’t realize it before, but after sitting downstairs for a while I ran upstairs to talk to Beth. My heart was beating loud in my right ear, due to the sudden exercise. As I was looking… Continue reading Tullio phenomenon and Empty sella
random death
When I was a teenager, I spent a lot of time playing a role playing game called Traveller. If you’ve never heard of it, one of the fundamental game rules is that instead of just “rolling up” a character like you do in Dungeons & Dragons, you create a character who’s age 18 and then… Continue reading random death
I didn’t realize the Democrats will control the White House and both houses of Congress
Mark this one “duh” but I just now realized after looking at CNN’s election results that we’ll have a Democrat President as well as a Democratic majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Looks like the Dems will have all the chips, so to speak. If they can’t achieve great things in… Continue reading I didn’t realize the Democrats will control the White House and both houses of Congress
I voted for a winner, finally
ABC News just called the election for President of the United States in Obama’s favor. And that means that for the first time in my life, I voted for a non-incumbent candidate who won the presidency. In 2004, I voted for John Kerry, who lost to George W. Bush. In 2000, I voted for Al… Continue reading I voted for a winner, finally
red and blue
I got this email from a left wing friend of mine this morning. He lives in California. While I doubt all these statistics are 100% accurate, I think the message they send it mostly true, and quite hilarious. It reminded me of my despair being stuck in a red state at the last election, though… Continue reading red and blue
Todd’s lazy Sunday
Today is the first day I’ve had in weeks where I didn’t have anything planned. And so I’m hoping to take best advantage of it and catch up on a ton of R&R. Not only that, but I got an extra hour due to the time change! Last weekend was fully action packed, because I… Continue reading Todd’s lazy Sunday