I’ve been hacked!

This morning, when I went downstairs to my computer to catch up on email before going to work, I saw that my web browser was on an eBay page. The only problem? I haven’t used eBay in over a month! Long story short, I spent 2 hours tracing what happened, and here’s the gist of… Continue reading I’ve been hacked!

Categorized as Drivel

Teen use of pot can lead to dependency, mental illness

Well, at long last we can put this issue to rest. The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, long-touted as the world’s leading source of unbiased science-based federal policy advice, has determined that marijuana use is bad for you. Don’t believe me? Read this… The Associated Press: Feds: Teen use of pot can… Continue reading Teen use of pot can lead to dependency, mental illness

Categorized as Politics


I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen a single comic pane written as well as this one. I was just blown away. xkcd – A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language – By Randall Munroe

Categorized as Drivel

What Broomfield Needs

If I had my way, here are the types of restaurants that people would create in Broomfield: small family owned diner and coffee shop near Highway 287 and Miramonte, not unlike Mel’s Diner (which only stayed open less than 2 years, I think) fairly nice Indonesian restaurant Hawaiian BBQ, including plate lunch

Bright -N- Early Breakfast

Broomfield’s newest breakfast restaurant is “Bright -N- Early Breakfast” which just opened last week.  I went in for breaakfast on a snowy spring morning, and was the only patron.  The owner, Vince, said it’s been a bit of a slow start so far since he hasn’t done any real advertising yet; it’s just word-of-mouth.  Bright… Continue reading Bright -N- Early Breakfast

my new ride

I’ve been working some extra hours nights and weekends for a friend of mine who needs some help at his startup company. I submitted my first invoice to them last week and decided to celebrate by spending my check in advance. I bought a new bike! It’s a 2008 Trek Soho 1.0. To celebrate Earth… Continue reading my new ride

Categorized as Drivel


(I would insert a goatse-themed tax-related image here, but I don’t know of any) Hurray, I just finished doing our 2007 taxes!  They weren’t as bad as I expected, I guess.  Beth did all the gathering-up of the receipts for charitable deductions and her income, which helped a lot.  I did the rest, and nothing… Continue reading taxes

Categorized as Drivel