= fraud

I was just reconciling my latest Visa statement, and found a fraudulent charge for $4.99 from “Bestsmartstore Com Llc” from February 14.  I checked out the company’s website, and learned they are supposedly an “e-book” vendor but we haven’t bought any e-books from them.  I googled the company and found that the only hits were… Continue reading = fraud

Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us | Environment | The Observer

Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us | Environment | The Observer The document predicts that abrupt climate change could bring the planet to the edge of anarchy as countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies. The threat to global stability vastly eclipses that of terrorism,… Continue reading Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us | Environment | The Observer

Sarah Connor

I’ve been getting into this new TV show with an unwieldy long name: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.  I really didn’t want to like it, but I’ve been getting pulled in.  And then earlier today, while at home enjoying President’s Day off work, I watched last week’s episode on TiVo.  It was really good in… Continue reading Sarah Connor

Categorized as Drivel

Price of Silence

My life partner and spouse, Beth, wrote a series of short stories a couple years ago.  They were intended to be published together as a book called “Price of Silence.”  However, she decided recently to do something a bit unusual.  She is posting them one by one to a blog under Creative Commons licensing.  The… Continue reading Price of Silence

Categorized as Drivel

Rufus, RIP

We’ve pretty much given up on our cat Rufus ever coming home to us.  It’s been over a week now that he’s been gone.  When we got home two Saturday nights ago, he wanted to go out, so we put him out.  He often spends the night outside, and until now he’s always been fine… Continue reading Rufus, RIP

Categorized as Drivel

miscellaneous stuff

Some basic updates on my life: Our cat Rufus is missing.  He went out last night and never came back. I finished editing the video of last summer’s Green River rafting trip, and screened it last night at a party.  It was a big hit. This morning I finished Mass Effect.  I thought it was… Continue reading miscellaneous stuff

Categorized as Drivel

math doesn’t seem to be hard enough

I changed it so people have to answer a simple math question before they can submit a comment to my blog, hoping it would cut out spam bots.  It didn’t.  So now I’m using Spam Karma 2.3.  We’ll see if that does any better.

Categorized as Drivel

Bush gives up on making any real difference – schedules 10 month vacation

Unfinished business for Bush in final State of the Union address – Downplaying expectations, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said last week “it’s just not realistic” for the president to present any major new initiatives with less than a year in office Based on that logic, I think we should withhold his pay for… Continue reading Bush gives up on making any real difference – schedules 10 month vacation

Categorized as Politics

McCain vs. Clinton

I predicted about two years ago – long before either announced their candidacy – that the 2008 election would be Hillary Clinton vs. John McCain.  For most of the past two years, I’ve thought that was a pretty dumb prediction because it looked like there was no way in hell that’s how the ticket would… Continue reading McCain vs. Clinton

Categorized as Politics