hot dogs

I took Beth to Steve’s Snappin’ Dogs last Sunday. She wasn’t very excited at all about going to a hot dog stand for supper, but I asked her to trust me. I told her these were much better hot dogs than what she associates with the term “hot dog”. She ordered the California Dog and… Continue reading hot dogs

Categorized as Food

prediction: Libby will be pardoned on March 24

When this news… I. Lewis Libby Jr. News – The New York Times …that Scooter Libby is now a proven felon was announced, Beth asked me if I thought he would be pardoned.  I said, “Of course he will.  That’s how the good old boys network works.”  She asked when it would happen.  My prediction… Continue reading prediction: Libby will be pardoned on March 24

Categorized as Politics

my favorite commercial of the week

The CEO of Polycom (where I work) emailed us all a link to this YouTube video.  I thought it was awesome.  The videoconferencing gear in the commercial are, of course, made by Polycom.  But that’s not the only reason I like it. Tell me what you think of it.

Categorized as Film

back in the USA

Beth and I have been in Mexico for the past week, doing some scuba diving and general relaxing.  We arrived home last night in the middle of a snowstorm!  Yuck. In Mexico, we stayed in a town on the Caribbean coast called Akumal, at a hotel called Vista del Mar.  Our room was about 5… Continue reading back in the USA

Categorized as Travel
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