Mac OS X Screen Sharing == VNC

Wow, I had no idea there is both a VNC client and server built into Mac OS X 10.5.  I had installed separate apps (2 clients and 1 server) I downloaded over a year ago, but after reading these two articles I see I don’t need any special software at all!

Categorized as Drivel


I had to get the oil changed in our truck the other day, and it was around lunchtime, so I stopped at Oscar’s for a sandwich to take with me to the auto repair shop.  Oscars is a tiny little building that’s about a block down Vance from 120th.  If you don’t know it’s there… Continue reading Oscar’s

Happy Independence Day!

It’s July 4, which here in the USA is Independence Day.  I’m catching up on email and bills this morning, and we’ll go to the reservoir later today to enjoy the hot sun and cool water. It’s been a while since I wrote anything here, so here’s a quick update: I survived the EGD procedure… Continue reading Happy Independence Day!

Schmutz Blocker 3.0 is out!

The Mozilla people released Firefox 3.0.  You know, the web browser that blocks all the schmutz. I’m downloading it to all my computers as fast as I can.  Already upgraded my work desktop this afternoon, but still need to do my work laptop.  And I just upgraded my Mac mini (which I’m writing this… Continue reading Schmutz Blocker 3.0 is out!

Categorized as Drivel

Esophagogastroduodenoscopy – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ever had someone ram a tube down your throat into your stomach?  I’m now scheduled to have just that very thing done.  Here’s the description of the procedure: Esophagogastroduodenoscopy – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In medicine (gastroenterology), esophagogastroduodenoscopy is a diagnostic endoscopic procedure that visualises the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract up to the… Continue reading Esophagogastroduodenoscopy – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Categorized as Drivel

2 charged in London with giving Amy Winehouse drugs – Yahoo! News

2 charged in London with giving Amy Winehouse drugs – Yahoo! News London police say John Blagrove and Cara Burton have been charged with conspiracy to supply cocaine and MDMA, also known as ecstasy.The suspects were released on bail Thursday until their next court appearance on July 1. Police began an investigation after photos from… Continue reading 2 charged in London with giving Amy Winehouse drugs – Yahoo! News

Categorized as Politics

Cyclist critical after being hit by car : Broomfield : Broomfield Enterprise

Cyclist critical after being hit by car : Broomfield : Broomfield Enterprise I just read this article this morning: A 24-year-old driver from Boulder was cited for misdemeanor careless driving after he hit and critically injured a 57-year-old bicyclist Monday afternoon in Broomfield. Walter Johnson ran into the back of the woman’s bicycle at about… Continue reading Cyclist critical after being hit by car : Broomfield : Broomfield Enterprise

Categorized as Drivel

back from vacation

Hi, everyone. Beth and I just got back from a 2 week vacation yesterday. It’s good (and bad) to be back. We spent lots of time in and around canyons. I guess that was the theme. Beth took hundreds of photos, and I shot about 90 minutes of HDV video. So much that it’ll take… Continue reading back from vacation

Categorized as Travel


CAKE “I dont want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander in chief playing golf. I feel I owe it to the families to be in solidarity as best as I can with them. And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal.” — George W.… Continue reading CAKE

Categorized as Music