What’s the world coming to? I’m definitely used to my family and friends mixing up “its” and “it’s” just as so many other Americans so. But I was just reading this article from Reuters, the highly respected news organization. The article is about the 82-year-old boxing ring at Madison Square Garden, and the author writes:… Continue reading it’s all about the grammar it’s got in its pocketses
Author: todd
Ahoy, matey! Yogic shalom in the Small Country!
I went to yoga class this evening, for the first time in several years. It was good; my flexibility sucks. One benefit of our annual Broomfield Parks and Rec membership is we can just drop in on any yoga, spinning, or pilates class for free anytime we want. I wonder how I’ll feel in the… Continue reading Ahoy, matey! Yogic shalom in the Small Country!
No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die.
xkcd is one of the funniest comics around. Unfortunately, I can’t share my glee with Beth. I don’t think she’d “get” any of them. Like this one.
Bin Laden Releases Video as C.I.A. Issues Warning – New York Times
Bin Laden Releases Video as C.I.A. Issues Warning – New York Times A videotaped message by Osama bin Laden, the first in nearly three years, compares the Iraq war to American blunders in Vietnam, criticizes the Democratic Party for failing to pull American troops from Iraq, and urges Americans to embrace Islam. I just can’t… Continue reading Bin Laden Releases Video as C.I.A. Issues Warning – New York Times
the wonders of the Mac and Bluetooth (and final thoughts on the Mighty Mouse)
Here’s another example of why I’m happy to have moved to the Macintosh platform for all my home computing. Beth and I have Motorola RAZR phones we bought a few years back. I think it was after AT&T switched to Cingular, but before they switched back to AT&T (but that’s another story). Anyhow, this is… Continue reading the wonders of the Mac and Bluetooth (and final thoughts on the Mighty Mouse)
we’re back from Fort Lauderdale
Beth and I turned our 3-day Labor Day weekend into a 5-day vacation, and went to Fort Lauderdale for our 5-year wedding anniversary. We did a bunch of diving and a bunch of eating, as well as a little shopping and one walk on the beach. We dived with Pro Dive, which is one of… Continue reading we’re back from Fort Lauderdale
Suggestive advertising?
What do you think of this photo? It’s an ad for an upcoming movie.
Best Use of Line of Dialog
The judges’ awards for the Denver 48 Hour Film Project 2007 have been posted. My film “Discretion” won the award for “Best Use of Line of Dialog” which was, “I bet you think you’re clever, huh?”
LiveLeak.com – Dick Cheney on why America shouldn’t invade Iraq (1994)
My first reaction: “Wow.” Here’s a snippet from an interview with now-Vice President Cheney, where he explains why invading Iraq is a bad idea. Seven years later, he made a 180 degree turn, and then six years after that we now know that he had it right the first time: it is – to use… Continue reading LiveLeak.com – Dick Cheney on why America shouldn’t invade Iraq (1994)
another Mac
So, I posted a while back about how I hoped Apple would update their MacPro line. I’d like to upgrade from my PowerMac G5 sometime, but the current lineup of Intel-based Apple towers has a number of shortcomings and I’m hoping their 2nd generation solves those problems. Well, they released new products last week, but… Continue reading another Mac