what is science fiction?

Here’s the definition I like best. “Science fiction can be defined as that branch of literature which deals with the reaction of human beings to changes in science and technology.” — Isaac Asimov, Asimov on Science Fiction, pg. 62

Categorized as Drivel

zero point breakfast sausage

I’ve thought for a while I might be able to make a satisfying breakfast sausage at home that used all “zero-point” ingredients according to Weight Watchers. And today I finally did it. Here’s my recipe. I’m eating it as I type, so forgive any typos. It’s pretty tasty. Ingredients: 1 pound ground turkey breast (“ground… Continue reading zero point breakfast sausage

Categorized as Food, Recipe

Thanksgiving 2022

I haven’t been writing on my blog very much lately, and when I do it seems like it’s just about food and drink. Well, here’s another food related post! Yesterday was Thanksgiving. Brooke and I stayed in Denver and had a quiet Thanksgiving meal at home. She did the cleaning, as usual, and I did… Continue reading Thanksgiving 2022

Categorized as Food

my espresso certificate

I think the last time I got a certification of some kind that wasn’t related to my job was when I took (and passed) a Wilderness First Aid course in Boulder about ten years ago. Well, here’s another. I just finished a week long Intro to Espresso course. Come on over if you’d like a… Continue reading my espresso certificate

Categorized as Food

espresso tonic

I’ve been on a roll of sharing cocktail recipes, but here’s something non-alcoholic. It’s an espresso tonic. I made this the easy way, after abandoning a James Hoffman video halfway through. No, I’m not going to make my own tonic syrup. Ingredients: 4 ounces tonic water – Run-of-the-mill tonic water isn’t good enough for James,… Continue reading espresso tonic

Categorized as Recipe

Cherry Appleseed

Time for another alcoholic drink I invented. I’m sure I can’t be the first to mix these things, but let’s just pretend it’s true. It’s summer, and that means light and fruity drinks. I bought a bunch of fresh mint at the farmers market, and decided it might go well with the Colorado Cider Company… Continue reading Cherry Appleseed

Categorized as Recipe

Todd’s chile colorado

I saw a delicious photo online the other day. It was some chile colorado that a professional chef made, and it looked wonderful. So I decided to make some of my own. Here’s my recipe. It requires an InstantPot and a strainer and a blender. Ingredients 1 pound beef chuck roast stew meat 15 dried… Continue reading Todd’s chile colorado

Categorized as Recipe
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