math is not hard

I’ve been getting way too much comment spam lately.  Even though perhaps only one real person posts a comment to my blog every month, I get several spam bot replies every day.  So I added a Word Press plugin called Math Comment Spam Protection.  Basically, it just means that to submit a comment you  have… Continue reading math is not hard

Categorized as Drivel


I just got emails from the Boulder International Film Festival, letting me know that “Mike in the Shot” and “HDTS Promo Video” were both not selected for inclusion in the 2008 festival.  It’s been a while since I’ve faced rejection.

Categorized as Film

Major U.S. offensive in Iraq is no surprise to insurgents – International Herald Tribune

I just read the first part of this newspaper article this morning. It totally sounds like our own Afghanstistan. Only this time the Russians are us, and the Mujahadeen are these Iraqi insurgents.  Especially with this photo… Major U.S. offensive in Iraq is no surprise to insurgents – International Herald Tribune With extraordinary secrecy and… Continue reading Major U.S. offensive in Iraq is no surprise to insurgents – International Herald Tribune

Categorized as Politics

what I did on summer break

OK, I didn’t actually get a summer break, but Beth and I did go to Fort Lauderdale for a long weekend on a diving trip. She just now posted the photos for the trip. Check them out here, if you care:

Categorized as Travel

Viva la Netscape!

I just read on Boing Boing that Netscape Navigator will no longer be supported by AOL after February 2008. There was a time that Netscape actually charged money for their software, and thought they could make a viable business on it. I know, because I was one of the rare individuals who actually shelled out… Continue reading Viva la Netscape!

Categorized as Drivel

The Fixx

About a year ago, I rediscovered my love of The Fixx.  Remember them?  They were sort of a new wave pop group that was big in the 80’s.  So I got their first two CDs, and have really enjoyed listening to them.  I got to wondering whatever happened to them, and found that they’ve actually… Continue reading The Fixx

Categorized as Music


To make matters worse today, while checking in at the US Airways ticket counter to get our boarding passes for the flight to Omaha, we were “randomly” selected to receive the special security screening. They don’t wait to decide this as you’re going through the security checkpoint, but instead print “SSSS” on the boarding pass… Continue reading SSSS

Categorized as Travel