car share comes to Denver!

I just read that is buying its first two cars for a car share program in the Capitol Hill neighborhood.  I’m glad to see the car share concept is finally coming to Denver.  I’m quite certain it’ll never read out to the burbs where I live, though.  Too bad. OccasionalCar.Com – Convenient Carshare vehicles… Continue reading car share comes to Denver!

Categorized as Drivel

Bombay Palace

Bombay Palace is Broomfield’s newest Indian restaurant.  A few weeks ago, it took over the empty location where Buddha Indian Cuisine once stood, next door to La Casita de Durango and across Nickel Street from Target. I’ve eaten at Bombay Palace three times now, twice for lunch and once for supper.  Their lunch buffet is… Continue reading Bombay Palace

my birthday

Yesterday was my 40th birthday. Unfortunately, I had to work, and it was a depressing day at the office, especially for a Friday. But to counter it, I had an awesome birthday dinner party. About 18 or 20 of my friends and family joined me at Sushi Mara for a fine meal. We were there… Continue reading my birthday

Categorized as Drivel, Food

Knowing :: :: Reviews

Hey, I just found a sci-fi movie that Roger Ebert gives a rare four stars to.  I  have to admit the TV ads for this didn’t make it sound too appealing, but I guess I should go see it. Knowing :: :: Reviews

Categorized as Film

AIG: worried? updating resumes? retaining criminal attorneys?

Yeah!  You go get ’em, Mr. Cuomo.  These folks got some ‘splainin’ to do.  Now if someone just had the cojones to go after Cheney the same way. We learned over the weekend that AIG had, last Friday, distributed more than $160 million in retention payments to members of its Financial Products Subsidiary, the unit… Continue reading AIG: worried? updating resumes? retaining criminal attorneys?

remember me?

I haven’t really been writing that much on my blog lately.  I guess I’ve been too busy with other stuff.  Plus, I fear my time on Facebook has sucked away some of my time from writing heftier articles here.  So let me toss out something that’s on my mind this week: This Friday is… Continue reading remember me?

Categorized as Drivel

Inside Todd’s Head

I finally finished uploading my video “Inside Todd’s Head” to YouTube. Here it is in normal (low) quality: And here is the higher quality (HD) version: I realize 95% of people are going to watch this video and listen to it through low quality computer speakers, and those people will miss out on… Continue reading Inside Todd’s Head

Categorized as Ears

6 weeks post-op results

I’m now at Community Coffee in Baton Rouge, having just finished my 6 week post-op follow-up appointment with Dr. Gianoli.  Short summary: he’s given me a clean bill of health and I’m ready to resume normal activities (though he doesn’t want me to really exert myself for another month). To bring the occasional reader up… Continue reading 6 weeks post-op results

Categorized as Ears

how’s this for dinner?

Next week, I must return to Baton Rouge for my 6 week follow-up on my ear surgery. If I can work up sufficient appetite I plan to go out that evening to Brunet’s Cajun Restaurant and attempt to tackle…bom bom bom…the dreaded shrimp dinner. What’s included in the shrimp dinner, you ask? Well, here’s an… Continue reading how’s this for dinner?

Categorized as Food