goodbye and good riddance, Facebook, Inc.

It’s done. I just deleted my Facebook and Instagram accounts. It was fun for a few years, but the relationship turned sour after one of us started lying to the other, then pretended to take steps to improve but just kept lying. Separation took a few months of planning and preparation. Here’s the blog post… Continue reading goodbye and good riddance, Facebook, Inc.

how to reduce your risk of credit card fraud

I’m gonna explain an easy thing you can do to reduce your risk of being a victim of credit card fraud. I first read about this trick a few years back, and started doing it myself. I can say from first-hand experience that it works. The Two Card Approach The basic idea is this: Get… Continue reading how to reduce your risk of credit card fraud

visiting Emeril

I just made dinner reservations at Emeril’s New Orleans, his “flagship” restaurant. My department at work is going to New Orleans next month for a three day planning meeting. So I decided to lead a group outing to get some great food on the first night. I haven’t been to this restaurant before – only… Continue reading visiting Emeril

mile high composting and voting

Since this past spring, I’ve been working to arrange composting at my condominium complex. And this week it starts to pay off. Denver Compost Collective is an organization that collects food waste from apartment dwellers and takes it to their large scale composting facility. Then they give the resulting “black gold” to a local urban… Continue reading mile high composting and voting

oh how they danced

At the neighborhood coffee shop, there is a Stonehenge monument in danger of being crushed by a dwarf.

Categorized as Film Tagged

electric scooters are the Segways of 2019

A friend and former employee of mine bought one of the early Segway Personal Transporters back in 2002. Remember those? I got to ride it one time and thought it was fun. He used it to commute several miles daily, at least in the summer. The inventor, Dean Kamen, said they were going to change… Continue reading electric scooters are the Segways of 2019

Categorized as Drivel

muffin tin omelets

When I have time, some weekends I make muffin tin omelets, also sometimes called no-crust quiche. It makes it easy for me to have a high protein, low carb breakfast throughout the week. In the past, I’ve used a fairly shallow muffin tin. But that makes muffin tin omelets that aren’t quite enough to satisfy… Continue reading muffin tin omelets

Categorized as Food, Recipe
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