my Campari cocktail

OK, in reality, I invent cocktails all the time. I love experimenting in the kitchen, and I love experimenting in the bar. I recently acquired 7 more different types of bitters (including Peychaud), Campari, Herbsaint, and Heering cherry liqueur, I’ve got a new world to discover. So here’s what I made last night. It was… Continue reading my Campari cocktail

Categorized as Recipe

new cocktails

I don’t have much to say, but I did learn to make two new cocktails this weekend. For the first time, I made a Negroni and a Sazerac last night. They were good. I think I liked the Negroni more. I’ve had both at bars or restaurants, but never had the ingredients or inclination to… Continue reading new cocktails

Categorized as Food

my current coffee setup

I know you didn’t ask, but I’m sure you care. Espresso: Flair Pro 2 Flair Royal Grinder (manual burr) Single-serve: Aeropress (copolyester) or Aeropress (polypropylene) Multi-serve: no-name Chinese double-walled steel French press with double plunger mesh or V60 knock-off Current beans: Thump Nicaragua Rise Up Organic Maryland Coffee Cold brew: I leave that to the… Continue reading my current coffee setup

Categorized as Food

guess where I’m from

Last week, some folks at work were talking about the “right way” to pronounce “Colorado”. Is the “a” pronounced like “hat” or like “ah”? That led someone to share this nifty web app that asks you a bunch of questions about what words you use for things and how you pronounce them, and then attempts… Continue reading guess where I’m from

Categorized as Words

DCC books for sale or trade

It’s time for some early spring cleaning. My bookcase is too crowded, so I’m getting rid of some RPG stuff I don’t really need. All this is related in some way to Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG (DCCRPG) by Goodman Games – either DCC specifically, or the Mutant Crawl Classics variation of the game. It’s all… Continue reading DCC books for sale or trade

Categorized as Games

Native Chopped, Part 2

If you haven’t already read it, this is a continuation of Native Chopped, Part 1. Go catch up if you need to. The live event happened as planned, on January 27, 2022. One of the five contestants that started the competition with us was replaced, for reasons they never explained. But they got another volunteer… Continue reading Native Chopped, Part 2

Categorized as Food

Native Chopped, Part 1

I support a charity organization in Denver called Denver Indian Health and Family Services. They provide a ton of physical and mental health services to Native American families in the Denver metro area, and have done so since the 1970s. Recently Brooke forwarded me an email from their email list that caught my eye. It… Continue reading Native Chopped, Part 1

Categorized as Recipe

COVID-19 and Me, Part 6

My last “COVID-19 and Me” post was back in late October 2021, shortly after I got my Moderna booster shot. Perhaps that’ll be the first booster of many; I have no idea. They’ve been telling us since the beginning of the pandemic that it’s really just a matter of time before we all get COVID.… Continue reading COVID-19 and Me, Part 6

Texas November 2021

This is my second attempt at this blog article. The first one got corrupted somehow and wouldn’t display correctly. Hopefully this one works better. Brooke and I got home last night from being in Texas for the past week. It was a nice vacation. We saw lots of my family, ate lots of good food,… Continue reading Texas November 2021

Categorized as Food, Travel

precognition and synchronicity

I realized earlier this week that all the science fiction stories I’ve been consuming lately have a common theme – a character who can see the future and present at the same time. They’re all about someone who surpasses thinking just in the present and develops the ability to treat time as a fluid experience.… Continue reading precognition and synchronicity